Saturday 10 April 2010

just so you know

hello everybody well i juat want to say something because i kinow everyone who reads this proberbly thinks im a whining teenager but im not i am just a girl with a dream that seems like its never going to happen and i hate it because everything i try doesnt work it seems like everyone in the acting busnis starts out by having someone in their family that is a directer or someone they know is involved in acting one way or another i wish that was my case ... but its not im just a no one thats me alright.

Friday 9 April 2010

why are people so mean ?

its so annoying nobody understands me at all. i really want to act but nobodt suports me not even my own mum well she would support me is i wanted to become a docter or teacher but actress oh no that will never work out when ever i mention it she just rolls her eyes.she thinks its silly she thinks its just what children my age do but she has no idea how long i spend everyday surching for auditions on the computer but you have to pay for all of them if you dont have to pay on a website then it says you need an agent now where am i going to get one of those from im 13 years old for gooness sake!!

i was on this website today and there was this audition it was perfect it said it was for a 13 year old female average weight and hight and it was in glasgow so i thought great yes finally an audition for me thank god so i clicked on aply now then a thing poped up sayin i had to pay £30 a month and all i wanted was this audition its just not fair how do people get things so do all those hollywood super stars get there?

why are people so mean ?